Breast Reduction

“Laser-assisted breast reduction surgery, while not a widely utilized technique, has a number of traits that make it a viable alternative to standard scalpel or scissor deepithelialization. As mentioned previously, these traits include essentially bloodlessdeepithelialization, predictable preservation of the subdermal vascular plexus, a firm dermal leash, and the ability to deepithelialize without the need for assistance or taut immobilization of the breasts.

Complication rates for our series of patients who underwent laserassisted breast reduction surgery were consistent with those reported for non–laser-assisted procedures. 

These results, combined with the benefits and efficient operating time afforded by laser deepithelialization, indicate that laser-assisted breast reduction surgery can provide an 

alternative to standard methods of deepithelialization.”


“Laser-Assisted Breast Reduction: A Safe and Effective Alternative. A Study of 367 Patients”

Journal: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2006